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Homepage Anti-alkohol společnost v ussr

Anti-alkohol společnost v ussr

Prohibition in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union existed during 1914–25. The Russian term is "сухой закон" (sukhoy zakon, literally "dry law"). Contents. 1 Russian Empire; 2 Soviet Russia and the Soviet Union. 2.1 Gorbachev's anti-alcohol campaign v · t · e · Alcohol-related topics by country. Countries. Afghanistan · Australia .

Alcoverz disky z alkoholismu

A new book features a collection of Soviet anti-alcohol posters produced during Mikhail Gorbachev s unsuccessful campaign of 1985-88 that sought to eradicate alcohol abuse in the country.

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This paper demonstrates an important but under-recognized link between the Gorbachev Anti-Alcohol Campaign and Russia's .
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Apr 5, 2017 A new book from Fuel features previously unpublished anti-alcohol posters and anti-alcohol posters from the 1960s to '80s in the Soviet Union. with “Alcoholism” on the snake (1985) (courtesy Fuel) V. Zharinov, Text .
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A new book features a collection of Soviet anti-alcohol posters produced during Mikhail Gorbachev's unsuccessful campaign of 1985-88 that sought to eradicate alcohol abuse in the country.
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Soviet Anti-Alcohol Posters Gallery. Alcohol. Alcoholism. Stop drunkenness. It also happens. Stop, before it's too late. Harmful to health, family and offspring. Vodka entails. We shall overcome drunkenness. Had a shot, had two. Remember, lad, accuracy is important! Rich inner content. On sick leave.
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Apr 19, 2017 At least the Soviet anti-alcohol program leaves us with some V. Zharinov, text reads: “Drunkenness won't be tolerated!,” with the bottle .

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